Thursday, January 29, 2009

Book review - Atlas Shrugged

I am soooooooo sick of reading Atlas Shrugged. This book was recommended to me and since I had already read the Fountainhead, I figured why not? I've read fatties before but this is taking me forever. I've renewed it twice from the library.

Ayn Rand wrote a whopping 1168 pages, in three sections of ten chapters each and my main beef with her is when she writes if...... and then goes on and on to compare one situation with an arbitrary circumstance which may or may not compare. My other beef with her if when she notes of a character's inability to name something, mostly his feelings. "That which cannot be named...." I swear, on one page I read as if seven times!

Atlas is very in synch with today's economic problems. It is about people who work their asses off and the politcal machine of greed and looters who take advantage of the hard workers. Then of course, the workers get sick of eating shit and go on strike, at the behest of an unseen and unnamed evil, they retire, hide, sell out, quit and give up and let the mooches go hungry.

In all my years of reading, only once have I stopped reading a book I started. That said, I really, really, REALLY want to like this book and finish it... in a timely manner. But damn, when I picked this book up, I was hoping to ease down a steak. Instead I find myself sitting at a table with a knife and fork and an elephant on my plate.

Since I am only on page 450, I will reserve my final judgment until I am done.

"Who is John Galt?"

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