Wednesday, March 19, 2008

French toast

French toast doesn't have to be boring. Make it exotic by putting an egg in it. Take two slices of bread. Use the end of a jar to score holes into the slices. I have a set of multi-sized biscuit cutters but was too lazy to get a chair to reach them on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard.
Next, crack one egg per slice of toast you intend to fry. Add a teaspoon of milk and whisk.

Heat a blob of butter or margerine in a large skillet.

Take the bread and holes and soak them in the beaten egg mixture.

Carefully arrange the slices in the skillet.

Crack another egg into the center of each hole. Turn the heat up to medium and wait for the bottom of the egg white to turn white.

When the bottom is nicely browned, flip the slice.

Brown the other side of the toasts and holes.

Serve with heated syrup and enjoy.

Never eat boring french toast again.

Bon appetit.

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