Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What I know

I like iced coffee when the weather turns hot and dang its been scorching lately. I received a Starbucks gift card at Christmas. I still have $3 on it. I get large iced coffees with a Splenda and a splash of cream. If there is any left by the time I get home, I squirt in some Hershey's chocolate syrup and make it a mocha. Today I ordered my second one, ooooh, I am so indulgent.

I adore Emile Hirsh. I raved this weeks ago when I switched my BOOK LIST from a side page element to a post (April 7th). I saw him portray Christopher McCandless in Into the Wild and I love this kid. He was also great in Mudge and Lords of Dogtown, I wanted to slap him! He is going to star in Speed Racer with Matthew Fox when it is in theaters May 9th. I'll go see it. He is Generation Y's new Tom Hanks. Hide and watch.

I live in a Hollywood bungalow. My landlord's own a huge spanish house on the same property. I never met the man, I dealt exclusively with the woman. He died Friday (4-25) of a long term illness, cancer. I took her some flowers, a condolence card and my rent check two days early.

Last Sunday morning I was sitting by my picture window reading when I heard something stirring in the bushes outside. I have seen skunks galore and on one occasion a possum crawling along the fence. When I heard twigs snapping I figured it was a fat possum. Uh. NO. It was a mexican sleeping under the bushes. He crawled out, hungover and walked up the driveway. WTF? I went out my backdoor and followed him. He was knocking on another tenants door and when he saw me, he asked me for water. By the time I knocked on the landlord's door, he had already beat feet up the wooded embankment onto another street.

This Wednesday is the Grand Opening of my store. I cannot get anymore ready. I am not one to wish my life away but shit, I wish it was Thursday already. I am exhausted all the time.

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